About an agricultural census

What is an agricultural census?

The agricultural census is carried out in order to collect reliable, objective and holistic data on various characteristics of agricultural activity on the territory of the country, as a whole and at a specific time for each administrative-territorial unit on the basis of unified statistical methods, which can be compared at the international level.

The purpose of this event is to develop specific measures aimed at ensuring the country's food security in the future by determining the exact size of agricultural land in the country, livestock and poultry, according to the results of the census.

At the same time, this event will create a database with full coverage of the agricultural sector of the country, further improvement of statistical calculations, international data comparison and full reflection of the data of the agricultural sector of the country in international rankings.

One of the main tasks of the agricultural census is to further improve the quality, reliability and transparency of agricultural statistics.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN FAO) recommends conducting an agricultural census in addition to the current reports submitted by economic entities. Along with the development of international census standards, concepts and definitions, as well as methodologies, the organization assists member states in conducting agricultural censuses at the national level by providing technical assistance.

The UN FAO announces the next round of the agricultural census every ten years, and the 2020 round of agricultural censuses covering 2016-2025 is currently ongoing.

In international practice, an agricultural census based on FAO recommendations is usually conducted once every ten years. Some countries with a developed agricultural industry conduct agricultural census at least once every 4-10 years. For example, if in Germany and the Netherlands the event is held once in four years, in the USA, Canada and Korea - every five years, in the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) - once in 10 years.

During the years of independence, no agricultural census was conducted in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In this regard, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to expand and improve the statistical database in the field of agriculture" dated February 26, 2021 No. 104 was adopted.

According to this resolution, the first agricultural census in the republic is scheduled for 2024.

Along with this, the agricultural census is planned to be conducted in three stages:

preparatory stage covering 2022-2024;

the second main stage is the conduct of the agricultural census in 2024;

the last stage, which includes, during 2024-2026, analysis, processing, generalization of the census results, publication of preliminary and final census results.

One of the main issues of the preparatory stage is to conduct information-explanatory work at the places where active participation of economic entities is in the course of the census. At the same time, at this stage in some regions of the republic it is planned to conduct the trial agricultural census.

Based on this, a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to prepare and conduct registration work in the field of agriculture as an experiment in the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated April 19, 2022 No. 197 was adopted.

Regulatory legal acts

The information in this section is available in Russian and Uzbek versions of the site.

Questionnaire forms

The information in this section is available in Russian and Uzbek versions of the site.

Participation in the census

The information in this section is available in Russian and Uzbek versions of the site.



A trial agricultural census is being conducted in the Parkent region

Currently, a pilot agricultural census is being conducted in Djambay district of Samarkand region and Parkent district of Tashkent region.

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A trial agricultural census is being conducted in Djambay region

Currently, a pilot agricultural census is being conducted in Djambay district of Samarkand region and Parkent district of Tashkent region.

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A trial agricultural census is being conducted in the Parkent region

Currently, a pilot agricultural census is being conducted in Djambay district of Samarkand region and Parkent district of Tashkent region.

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A trial agricultural census is being conducted in Djambay region

Currently, a pilot agricultural census is being conducted in Djambay district of Samarkand region and Parkent district of Tashkent region.

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A trial agricultural census is being conducted in the Parkent region

Currently, a pilot agricultural census is being conducted in Djambay district of Samarkand region and Parkent district of Tashkent region.

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A trial agricultural census is being conducted in Djambay region

Currently, a pilot agricultural census is being conducted in Djambay district of Samarkand region and Parkent district of Tashkent region.

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