20 August 2019

On August 20, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. a press conference was held at the National Press Center of Uzbekistan on the theme "Development of an open data portal, analysis of the country's investment indicators."

The event was attended by the heads of the Goskomstat, heads of departments of the central apparatus, employees of the statistical departments of the Tashkent region and the city of Tashkent, as well as representatives of the media.

As noted at the press conference, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4273 dated April 9, 2019 "On additional measures to ensure openness and transparency of public administration, as well as improving the statistical potential of the country ”, the Goskomstat of the Republic of Uzbekistan on statistics was charged with coordinating the activities of government bodies and organizations in the formation, maintenance and updating of the list of open data sets and the timely reflection of relevant information on the Open Data Portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan (data. gov.uz).

As it was noted at the event, according to Appendix 4 of this resolution, the “Road Map” was approved for improving the country's position in the index of statistical potential for individual composite indicators.

Along with this, the following tasks were entrusted to Goskomstat:

- approval of the list of open data sets with the definition of specific terms and forms of data placement on the Open Data Portal;

- ensuring continuous monitoring of the placement and regular updating of open data by government bodies and organizations, as well as local executive authorities;

- additional study of international databases and taking measures to develop new information parameters with their inclusion in the list of open data sets;

- Together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, approval of the Plan of Measures to ensure the participation of the Republic of Uzbekistan since 2020 in the international ratings “Global Open Data Index” and “Open Data Barometer”.

Based on this decision, the task was set, based on the Open Data Maturity Model and other international practices, to develop and implement a mechanism for assessing the performance of government bodies and organizations in the field of open data with the quarterly publication of results on the Open Data Portal.

As a result of ongoing large-scale reforms aimed at improving the investment climate, in the current period, the volume of investment in fixed assets amounted to 85.8 trillion. soums and, compared with the same period last year, an increase of 58.9% was recorded.

In the reporting period, 26841.3 billion soums of investments in fixed assets, or 31.2% of the total volume of investments, were disbursed from centralized financing sources, which is 11.6 percentage points more than the same period last year.

In the reporting period, due to direct foreign investments, 14389.7 billion soums were disbursed, which, compared with the same period in 2018, is increased by 5.1 percentage points, or 16.8% of the total investment.

  Summing up the press conference, it was emphasized that the main goal of the measures taken by the state statistics bodies is to reflect open and reliable data on socio-economic changes and reforms taking place in the Republic of Uzbekistan and to place these data in the databases of international organizations and leading ratings.

At a press conference, specialists of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Staistics answered in detail the questions of journalists.



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