30 July 2019

July 23, 2019 Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Ziyadullaev Mahmudjon Dzhurakulovich in Uchkurgan, together with the leadership of the statistical department of Namangan region, held a visiting reception for citizens.

The purpose of the meeting was designated on-site consideration of a number of issues related to statistics that need to be addressed to improve the quality of regional and city statistical offices. This ultimately strengthens people's faith in justice and tomorrow.

At the beginning of the meeting, Ziyadullaev Makhmudzhon Dzhurakulovich explained in detail the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities”, including that the Law defines the procedure for accepting individuals and representatives of legal entities.

During the reception, most of the appeals were resolved on the spot, and for appeals that require additional study and time, specific dates and responsible persons were determined.


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