24 June 2019

 On June 18-20, 2019 the above-mentioned training workshop was organized in Almaty by FAO (UN).

The following persons took part in the event: chief specialist of the Social and Sustainable Development Department of the Goskomstat A. Eralieva, head of the Department of Agriculture and Ecology Statistics of the Statistics Department of the Republic of Karakalpakstan N. Madreimov, as well as representatives of national ministries and departments on agriculture and forestry, and specialists from the national statistical services of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, and experts from the UNFAO, UNEP and representatives of the Center of Emergency and Disaster Risk Reduction in Almaty.

The seminar discussed issues of supporting countries in collecting data on natural disasters in agriculture, explaining the conceptual framework developed by FAO for assessing damage and losses in agriculture, fishery and forestry caused by natural disasters, developing a strategic roadmap for institutionalizing national information systems on damage and loss.


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