24 June 2019

On June 20, 2019 in Karman Navoi region, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Ziyadullayev Makhmudjon Jurakulovich, together with the administration of the statistical department of the Navoi region and together with the first deputy hakim J. Bobomurodova conducted visiting receptions to representatives of individuals and legal entities.

Heads of branch divisions, regional and city statistical departments, enterprises and organizations operating in the region, as well as representatives of business and  physical entities took part in this work.

During the visiting reception, the Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Ziyadullayev Makhmudjon Jurakulovich approved the principle «Not the people should serve the state bodies, but the state bodies should serve the people», as well as implementation of high-quality, fair observance of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests for individuals and legal entities, it is the duty of every head and employee

Regarding the agenda, the Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Ziyadullayev Makhmudjon Jurakulovich commented on the work done over the last years in the system of state statistics, the conditions created for business entities, and the appeal of individuals and legal entities, in which  there are explanations about favorable conditions created by the state statistics bodies for written, oral and electronic appeals of individuals and legal entities.

During the reception, the frequently arising problems were discussed. During the discussions, all participants received exhaustive answers to their questions and questions requiring the additional study were referred to responsible specialists.

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