On September 17, 2020, a video conference on gender issues was organized within the framework of the project "Support for the development of intraregional and international trade in Central Asian countries".

According to preliminary data, the volume of market services provided in January-August 2020 reached 135 023.4 billion soums

According to preliminary data, in January-August 2020, enterprises of the republic produced industrial products worth 223.6 trillion. soums, the index of physical volume of industrial production by the same period in 2019 amounted to 94.8%.

INFORMATION (Prices are recorded at the time of the survey and may be subject to fluctuations when the time, date and place change)

On September 16, this year, a webinar was held to discuss the project "Questionnaire and instructions for completing the 2022 census questionnaire".

On September 16, this year, the state statistics Committee held an international scientific and practical video conference on "New digital technologies in the study of the socio-economic sphere".

On September 15 in Moscow in a videoconferencing mode the Deputy Chairman of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States - Andrey Yevgenyevich Kosarev delivered a presentation on the theme: “Purchasing power parity of currencies: measuring the scale and the structure of economies”.

In January-August of this year, the volume of construction work performed in the Republic of Uzbekistan amounted to 55 502.1 billion soums, and the growth rate in relation to the corresponding period of 2019 reached 106.5%.

On September 15, 2020, the UN Office in Uzbekistan organized a training on monitoring the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

On September 15, 2020, a meeting with representatives and experts of the International Labour Organization took place in a videoconferencing mode.

On September 14, this year, a video seminar was organized jointly with the State Committee on statistics and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

In 2019, the number of operating small enterprises and microfirms amounted to 334.8 thousand units. 

The State Committee on Statistics has generated statistical information reflecting the socio-economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for January-August 2020. This infographic shows the macroeconomic indicators of the republic

In January-August 2020, 1 121 enterprises with foreign capital were created in our republic

On September 10 this year, the University of Uzbek Language and Literature, together with the Department for the Development of the State Language and the Academy of Sciences of the Cabinet of Ministers, hosted a presentation of the book of the 

INFORMATION (Prices are recorded at the time of the survey and may be subject to fluctuations when the time, date and place change)

As reported yesterday, the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on statistics organized a seminar on the content and execution of the presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan and holding in 2022 of census.

8 September at the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on statistics organized a seminar on the content and execution of the presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan and holding in 2022 of census.