29 June 2020

At the meeting on measures to improve national statistics, held on June 1 this year under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, special attention was paid to personnel issues, training, training and retraining of all specialists in the statistics system.

In order to ensure the implementation of these tasks, online training seminars are regularly held to improve the professional knowledge and capacity of personnel in the Goskomstat system.

On June 29 this year, a regular webinar was held on the main terms and indicators of the system of national accounts.

The event was attended by representatives of the State Committee on Statistics and regional statistical offices. Director of the Institute for advanced training and statistical research Bahodir Goyibnazarov and head of the Department of macroeconomic indicators and national accounts of the State Committee on Statistics Aziz Mamirov provided detailed information on the topic.

In particular, special attention was paid to the main terms and indicators of the system of national accounts, methods for calculating gross domestic (regional) product.

There was also a broad overview of the growth rate of gross domestic product and methods for calculating deflator indices, differences between the 1993 and 2008 SNA, changes and innovations made.

The webinar provided detailed answers to questions for employees of regional statistical offices.

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