26 June 2020

On June 26 of this year, a joint video conference was organized between the State Committee on Statistics and the Tashkent State Economic University.

Specialists of the State Statistics Committee conducted a webinar for professors, researchers and students, led by the rector of the Tashkent State Economic University, connected online from different regions of the country.

At a videoconference, the head of the Department of service sector statistics, Umarov Akmal Rustamovich, spoke in detail about the development of the service sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

According to the speaker, the volume of market services provided in January-May 2020 reached 80 345.0 billion soums, and the nominal volume increased by 5 658.7 billion soums. In comparable terms, compared with the same period last year, the growth rate amounted to 97.9% p.

The main factor in reducing the total volume of services rendered is a decrease in transportation services by 11.7% (their negative impact was 13.3 points), trade services by 5.3% (-6.5 points), accommodation and food services by 18, 0% (-2.3 points), services related to real estate, by 18.3% (-2.2 points), health services by 18.0%, as well as rental and rental services by 15.1 % had a negative impact on 1.2 points.

After that, professors and students of Tashkent State Economic University were asked questions on the topic. The experts of the committee answered questions in detail.

Given the current pandemic and the country's orientation towards the development of the digital economy, the webinar is of great importance. In this regard, online meetings are regularly held, which are of practical importance for the faculty, scientific researchers and students.

You can watch the full version of the video conference on the committee’s official page on YouTube.

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