04 June 2020

On June 4, this year, a joint videoconference was organized between the State Committee on Statistics and The Tashkent state university of Economics. Specialists of the Goskomstat held a webinar for professors, researchers and students, led by the rector of the Tashkent state University of Economics, connected online from different regions of the country.

The webinar was attended by Director of the Institute for advanced training and statistical research B. Goyibnazarov, heads of the Committee's Departments O. Mamadaliyev and M. Satimov.

During the videoconference, the head of the Department of business environment surveys and entrepreneurship development statistics, Satimov Mamurjon Alloyorovich, spoke in detail about the procedure for forming and analyzing small business statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

According to the speaker, the share of small businesses in GDP for January-March 2020 was 45.8 %. The Number of small businesses per 1000 people was 13.9 units.

In January – March 2019, 23.3 thousand new small businesses and microfirms were created again (without dehkan and farmers), which is 23.4% less than the same period in 2019.

The largest number of small enterprises and microfirms was created in the sphere of trade – 9312 units, industry-4345 units, agriculture, forestry and fisheries - 2637 units, construction-1844 units, accommodation and food services-1724 units, transportation and storage-659 units.


After that, professors and students of the Tashkent state University of Economics were asked questions on the topic. The questions were answered by the Director of the Institute for advanced training and statistical research B. Goibnazarov, the head of the Committee's Department M. Satimov. Given the current pandemic and the country's focus on developing the digital economy, the webinar is of great importance. In this regard, online meetings are regularly held that are of practical significance for the teaching staff, researchers and students.

You can watch the full version of the video conference on the official YouTube page of the Committee.

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