Institute for Staff Advanced Training and Statistical Research

The Institute is created according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated August 17, 2019, № 686.

The Institute is an educational establishment on improvement of professional skill and retraining of staff of the State statistics, experts in other branches of economy. It also conducts researches in the field of development and introduction of statistical methods using modern computer technology. 

Basic tasks of the institute are as follows: 

  • retraining and professional improvement of staff engaged in state statistics agencies and branches of economy;
  • satisfaction of experts’ needs in receiving knowledge on recent achievements, advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of statistics, information technologies, collection and processing of statistical information;
  • improvement of forms and methods for conduction of studies, intensification of teaching-auxiliary process, development of practice of individualization of staff training, including concrete practical tasks and business games;
  • organization and conduction of researches in the field of statistics, as well as participation in branch and regional projects on statistical work;
  • realization of work on improvement of statistical methodologies and ensuring of their conformity with international standards and rules;
  • arrangement and conduction of joint seminars, conferences, as well as realization of curriculums together with international organizations and foreign foundations;
  • development of international cooperation in the field of statistical staff training and retraining.


Address: 100077 Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Mustakillik Avenue, 42-b
Tel.: + 998(71) 202-81-86, + 998(71) 202-81-88
Fax: + 998(71) 202-81-86
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More detailed information on the Center for Staff Retraining and Statistical Researches of Statistics Agency is available at the official site - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.