Last update: 20.01.2025

The Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan browse...
Population density browse...
Administrative and territorial structure of the Republic of Uzbekistan browse...
Distribution of the population by age browse...
The number of labour resources browse...
Population browse...
Fertility Rate browse...
Mortality rate browse...
Maternal mortality rate browse...
Child mortality rate browse...
Infant mortality rate browse...
Total fertility rate browse...
Marriage browse...
Employment browse...
Unemployment browse...
Wages and Salaries / Earned Incomes browse...
Movement of employees browse...
Employment in adverse working conditions browse... 
Industrial injuries browse... 
Number of employees browse... 
Qualitative composition of personnel and indicators of vocational training browse...
Divorce level browse...
Number of births browse...
Number of deaths browse...
Number of arrivals browse...
Number of departures browse...
Divorce rate browse...
Marriage rate browse...
Number of marriages browse...
Child mortality browse...
Infant mortality browse...
Proportion of population aged 15 and over who use tobacco products browse... 
Share of expenditures on alcoholic beverages in total household expenditures browse... 
Gini Coefficient browse... 
Uneven distribution of incomes of the population by 20 percent groups of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan browse... 
Provision of the population with durable goods browse... 
Consumption expenditures of households browse... 
Distribution of income of the population by 10 percent groups of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan browse... 
Total Household Income browse...
Average household size browse...
Determining the level of low-incomeness of the population browse...
Minimum consumption expenditure browse...
Structure of households by number of members browse...
Structure of households by number of children browse...
Total income of the population browse...
Total per capita income by region browse...
Structure of the total income of the population browse...
Growth rate of total income per capita compared to last year browse...
Real total per capita income browse...
Real growth rate of total per capita income compared to last year browse...
Adult literacy rate browse...
Proportion of population using safe drinking water services browse...
Number of specialists who graduated from higher education organizations browse...
Morbidity  browse...
Hepatitis B incidence per 100,000 population browse...
The incidence of tuberculosis per 100 000 population browse...
R&D costs browse...
Immunization browse...
The number of hospitals browse...
The number of beds in hospitals browse...
The number of medical personnel browse...
Number of educational institutions browse...
Number of teaching staff browse...
The contraceptive prevalence rate browse...
General secondary school enrollment browse... 
Pre-school enrollment of children aged 3-6 years browse...
Crime browse...
The results of admission to higher educational institutions browse...
The level of stunting browse...
Number of researchers in FTE (full-time equivalent) per million population browse...
Issue of printed publications browse...
Graduation of students from academic lyceums browse...
Graduation of college students browse...
Number of people receiving pensions and benefits browse...
Theaters browse...
Museums browse...
Number of enterprises and organizations that have implemented innovations browse...
Sanatorium-resort institutions and recreation organizations browse...
Hotels browse...
Organizations engaged in tourism activities browse...
The number of teaching staff in pre-school educational organizations browse...
The number of teaching staff of preschool educational organizations in urban areas browse...
The number of teaching staff of pre-school educational organizations in rural areas browse...
The number of pupils in pre-school educational organizations browse...
Number of libraries, information resource and information library centers browse...
Number of books and magazines browse...
Number of books and magazines issued on average per user browse...
Number of books and magazines on average per user browse...
Ехpected years of schooling browse...
Mean years of schooling for population aged 25 and over browse...
Commissioning of social facilities browse... 
Reproduction structure of investments in fixed capital browse... 
Investments in fixed capital browse... 
Foreign investment and loans in fixed capital browse... 
Number of residential buildings commissioned browse... 
Development of investments in fixed capital by types of economic activity browse... 
Construction works browse...
Construction works per capita browse...
Technological structure of investments in fixed assets browse...
Development of investments in fixed assets by state and non-state forms of ownership browse...
Consumer Price Index browse... 
Industrial products producer price indices browse...
Tariff indices for transportation and communication services browse...
Price indices for investment in fixed capital and construction work browse... 
Wholesale price indices for goods browse... 
Price indices of export supplies and import receipts browse... 
Calculation of average, minimum and maximum prices for certain types of goods browse... 
Producer price indices for agricultural, forestry and fishery products browse... 
Price index for material resources purchased by industrial enterprises browse... 
Housing market price index browse... 
Gross harvest of agricultural crops browse... 
Activity of a hunting farm browse... 
Non-toxic waste browse... 
Protected natural areas browse...
Livestock and poultry browse...
Sown area of grain crops browse...
Sown area of agricultural crops browse...
Conducting silvicultural works browse... 
 Agricultural machinery browse... 
Toxic waste browse... 
Fish catch browse... 
Gross yield of grain crops harvest browse... 
Animal production browse... 
Crop production browse... 
Gross harvesting of fruits and berries browse... 
Recultivation of lands browse... 
Gross harvesting of vegetables browse... 
Sown area of vegetables browse... 
Vineyard area browse... 
Gross harvest of food melons browse... 
Gross harvest of oilseeds browse... 
Gross harvest of grapes browse... 
The sown area of industrial crops browse... 
Sown area of food melons browse... 
Fruit and berry area browse... 
Sown area of potatoes browse... 
Gross potato harvest browse... 
Gross domestic product calculated by the expenditure approach browse... 
Gross domestic product (GDP) calculated by the production approach browse... 
National Accounts browse...
Gross value added (GVA) of industries browse...
Gross domestic (regional) product per capita browse...
Net taxes on products browse...
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator index browse...
Financial intermediation services, indirectly measured (FISIM) browse...
Final consumption expenditure browse...
Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) browse...
Share of small business by industry browse... 
Small business indicators browse... 
Financial indicators of enterprises and organizations browse...
Improvement of the housing stock browse...
Freight turnover by modes of transport browse...
Volume Index of Market Services browse...
Number of subscribers with Internet access per 100 people browse... 
Provision of apartments (houses) with hot water supply browse...
Provision of apartments (houses) with sewerage browse...
Provision of apartments (houses) with heating browse...
Provision of apartments (houses) with drinking water browse...
Provision of apartments (houses) with natural gas browse...
Number of mobile subscribers per 100 people browse...
Volume of produced (rendered) market services browse...
Passenger turnover by modes of transport browse...
Transportation of passengers and freight browse...
Length of communication lines browse... 
Number of road accidents browse... 
Provision of the population with housing browse... 
Transportation of freight by modes of transport browse... 
Transportation of passengers by modes of transport browse... 
Types of communication in a railway transport browse... 
Distribution of housing stock by wall material by region browse... 
Software costs browse... 
Total area of housing stock browse... 
Number of apartments (houses) browse... 
Distribution of the total area of the housing stock by type of ownership browse... 
Volume of communication and information services provided browse... 
Length of main pipelines (total) browse... 
Length of railway tracks browse... 
Volume of industrial production browse... 
Formation of the volume of industrial products of high-tech and medium-high-tech productions browse... 
Formation of the volume of industrial products of low-tech and medium-low-tech productions browse... 
Production of industrial products per capita browse... 
Production of consumer goods per capita browse... 
Formation of the indicators of manufacturing of industrial products without taking into account the enterprises with a predominant share of the state browse... 
Formation of energy efficiency indicators by types of economic activity browse... 
Electricity consumption by enterprises and organizations browse... 
Mining and quarrying browse... 
Index of physical volume of industrial production browse... 
Electricity production browse... 
Electricity consumption browse... 
Heat energy production, consumption in economic sectors, losses browse... 
Electricity generated by solar power plants browse... 
Electricity generated by wind power plants browse... 
Foreign trade statistics browse... 
Number of enterprises and organizations browse...