Crop products
Production of grain crops - total in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Barley production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Rye production in all categories of farms 26/06/2023
Corn production for grain in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Sorghum production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Производство просо во всех категориях хозяйств 28/06/2024
Oat production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Производство риса во всех категориях хозяйств 28/06/2024
Buckwheat production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Production of leguminous crops – total in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Pea production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Bean production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Lentil production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Sugar beet production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Potato production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
" Vegetable production – total in all categories of farms" 26/08/2024
Tomato production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Cucumber production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Carrot production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Onion production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Garlic production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Cabbage production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Production of melons for food in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Fruit and berry production – total in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Production of sunflower seeds – total in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Apple production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Pear production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Quince production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Stone fruit production – total in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Cherry production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Sweet cherry production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Apricot production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Peach production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Nut fruit production – total in all categories of farms 29/06/2024
Nut production in all categories of farms 29/06/2024
Almond production in all categories of farms 29/06/2024
Pistachio production in all categories of farms 29/06/2024
Subtropical production – total in all categories of farms 29/06/2024
Fig production in all categories of farms 29/06/2024
Persimmon production in all categories of farms 29/06/2024
Garnet production in all categories of farms 29/06/2024
Berry production – total in all categories of farms 29/06/2024
Strawberry production in all categories of farms 29/06/2024
Raspberry production in all categories of farms 29/06/2024
Citrus production in all categories of farms 29/06/2024
Lemon production in all categories of farms 29/06/2024
Grape production in all categories of farms 29/06/2024
Eggplant production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Mushroom production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Production of pepper (bitter and others) in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Total crop production (annual) 28/08/2024
Growth rate of total crop production (annual) 28/08/2024
Wheat production in all categories of farms 13/11/2024
Growth rate of crop production on farms (annual) 28/08/2024
Growth rate of crop production in dekhkan and subsidiary farms (annual) 28/08/2024
Growth rate of crop production in organizations engaged in agricultural activities (annual) 28/08/2024
Tobacco production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Sunflower production for grain in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Flax stalk production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Sesame production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Safflower production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Peanut production in all categories of farms 10/08/2024
Share of crop production grown on farms in the total volume of crop production (annual) 28/08/2024
Share of crop production grown on dekhkan and subsidiary farms in the total volume of crop production (annual) 28/08/2024
Share of crop production grown in organizations engaged in agricultural activities in the total volume of crop production (annual) 28/08/2024
Plum production in all categories of farms 28/06/2024
Livestock and poultry and livestock products
Livestock and poultry produced for slaughter, total (live weight) 28/06/2024
Cattle (live weight) 28/06/2024
Sheep and goats (live weight) 28/06/2024
Pigs (live weight) 28/06/2024
Poultry (live weight) 28/06/2024
Other types of animals (horses, camels, rabbits and others, in live weight) 28/06/2024
Total livestock production (annual) 28/08/2024
Growth rate of total livestock production (annual) 28/08/2024
Growth rate of livestock production on farms (annual) 28/08/2024
Growth rate of livestock production in dekhkan and subsidiary farms (annual) 28/08/2024
Growth rate of livestock production in organizations engaged in agricultural activities (annual) 28/08/2024
Share of livestock products produced on farms in the total volume of livestock products (annual) 28/08/2024
Share of livestock products produced in organizations engaged in agricultural activities in the total volume of livestock products (annual) 28/08/2024
Share of livestock products produced on dekhkan and subsidiary farms in the total volume of livestock products (annual) 28/08/2024
Agriculture products
Total volume of agricultural production (annual) 28/08/2024
Growth rate of total agricultural production (annual) 28/08/2024
Growth rate of total agricultural production in farms (annual) 28/08/2024
Growth rate of total agricultural production in dehkan (personal subsidiary) farms (annual) 28/08/2024
Growth rate of total agricultural production in organizations engaged in agricultural activities (annual) 28/08/2024
Share of farms in total agricultural production (annual) 28/08/2024
Share of dekhkan and subsidiary farms in the total volume of agricultural production (annual) 28/08/2024
Share of organizations engaged in agricultural activities in the total volume of agricultural products (annual) 28/08/2024
Total agricultural production (quarterly) 29/10/2024
Growth rate of total agricultural production (quarterly) 29/10/2024
Total agricultural production in farms (quarterly) 29/10/2024
Total agricultural production in dekhkan and subsidiary farms (quarterly) 29/10/2024
Total agricultural production in organizations engaged in agricultural activities (quarterly) 29/10/2024
Share of farms in total agricultural production (quarterly) 29/10/2024
Share of dekhkan and subsidiary farms in the total volume of agricultural production (quarterly) 29/10/2024
Share of organizations carrying out agricultural activities in the total volume of agricultural products (quarterly) 29/10/2024
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Growth rates of the total volume of agricultural, forestry and fisheries products (services) (annual) 28/08/2024
Total volume of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (annual) 28/08/2024
Total volume of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (quarterly) 29/10/2024
Growth rates of the total volume of agricultural, forestry and fisheries products (services) (quarterly) 29/10/2024