Composition of the Anti-Corruption Commission
Chairman of the commission A.A. Ikramov. - Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics |
Deputy chairman of the commission Z.M. Ziyayev - Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics |
Secretary of the Commission B.N.Melikmurotov - Internal Anti-Corruption Service |
G.X.Salixova -Jismoniy va yuridik shaxslarning murojaatlari bilan ishlash va ijro intizomi nazorati boshqarmasi boshlig’i |
Z.N. Talipova - Kadrlar boshqarmasi boshlig’i |
D.T. Zakirov - Statistika ishlarini tashkil etish va metodologiya boshqarmasi boshlig’i |
O. T. Mamadaliyev - Xalqaro hamkorlik va axborot almashuv boshqarmasi boshlig'i |
SH.U. Djanadilov - Axborot xavfsizligi boshqarmasi boshlig’i |
SH.G. Odilov - Axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalarini rivojlantirish va interaktiv davlat xizmatlari boshqarmasi boshlig’i |
J.SH. Shirinov - Moliya-iqtisodiyot boshqarmasi boshlig‘i |
Z.T. Yuldoshev - Demografiya va mehnat statistikasi boshqarmasi boshlig'i |
The main tasks of the departmental commission
Ensure the regular implementation of measures to improve the legal awareness and legal culture of officials and employees of state statistics bodies, increase the efficiency of fulfilling the tasks assigned to them, and form an intolerant attitude towards corruption in the system;
taking the necessary measures to prevent corruption offenses in the activities of officials and employees of state statistics bodies;
give instructions on the observance of ethical standards in the professional and unofficial activities of officials and employees of state statistics bodies and monitor their implementation;
regular monitoring and control of tasks taken to implement anti-corruption measures in the activities of state statistics bodies;
coordination of the activities of the anti-corruption commissions of the statistical departments of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the Tashkent city, as well as the Institute for Advanced Training of Personnel and Statistical Research.
On additional measures for the effective organization of anti-corruption activities
On measures to create an environment of intolerant attitude towards corruption, to cardinally reduce corruption factors in state and public administration, as well as to broadly involve the public in this process
On additional measures to improve the anti-corruption system in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Regulatory framework

Regulations and guidelines of the internal anti-corruption control service
Plan of the complex event
List of standard documents
A seminar was held on the procedure for using the electronic platform and the practice of assessing corruption risks

The Anti-Corruption Agency, with the support of the regional office of the Konrad Adenaur Foundation for Central Asia, launched a two-day training seminar on the topic: “The procedure for using the electronic platform e-Anticor Uz and the practice of assessing corruption risks”.
Read more ...A training was held on the topic “Anti-corruption expertise of legislative acts and their drafts”

On July 19-21 this year, the Ministry of Justice, together with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in Central Asia (UNODC) organized a training on the topic: “Anti-corruption expertise of legislative acts and their drafts”.
Read more ...A seminar was held to improve legal literacy and prevent corruption

On July 22 this year, the Legal Department and the Internal Anti-Corruption Control Service of the State Statistics Committee held a seminar to improve the legal literacy of employees and prevent corruption.
Read more ...Seminars on combating corruption are organized in the State Committee on Statistics system

In the Department of Statistics of Navoi region, with the participation of accountants of enterprises and organizations, a seminar on combating corruption was held.
Read more ...A seminar was held on the topic “Identification of priority tasks in the fight against corruption, the introduction of modern tools for preventing corruption in the country”

On May 30-31 this year, in the conference hall of the Courtyard Marriott hotel in Tashkent, a seminar was held on the topic “Identification of priority tasks in the fight against corruption, the introduction of modern tools for preventing corruption in the country”.
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