General secondary education
Number of general education institutions (city) 01/07/2024
Number of general education institutions (village) 01/07/2024
Number of teachers in educational institutions (total) 05/08/2024
Graduation 11-grade students (total) 01/07/2024
Number of general education institutions (total) 15/08/2024
Graduation of 11th grade students (village) 01/07/2024
Distribution of teachers in general education institutions (village) 05/08/2024
Graduation of 11th grade students (city) 01/07/2024
Number of teachers in general education institutions (city) 05/08/2024
Number of students in secondary schools (total) 15/08/2023
Number non-state of general education institutions (total) 01/07/2024
Number of teachers in non-state general education institutions (total) 01/07/2024
Number of students in non-state general education institutions (total) 01/07/2024
Number of students in non-public educational institutions (girls) 15/08/2023
Number of boys students in non-public educational institutions 15/08/2023
Number of students in general education institutions (boys) 15/08/2023
Number of students in general education institutions (girl) 15/08/2023
Number of places in general education institutions (village) 02/08/2024
Number of places in general education institutions (city) 02/08/2024
Number of places in general education institutions (total) 02/08/2024
Number of teachers in non-State educational institutions (male) 06/08/2024
Number of teachers of non-State educational institutions (famale) 06/08/2024
The number of 6-year-old schoolgirls in general education institutions 15/08/2023
The number of 7-year-old schoolgirls in general education institutions 05/08/2024
The number of 8-year-old schoolgirls in general education institutions 05/08/2024
The number of 9-year-old schoolgirls in general education institutions 05/08/2024
The number of 10-year-old schoolgirls in general education institutions 05/08/2024
The number of 11-year-old schoolgirls in general education institutions 05/08/2024
The number of 12-year-old schoolgirls in general education institutions 05/08/2024
The number of 13-year-old schoolgirls in general education institutions 05/08/2024
The number of 14-year-old schoolgirls in general education institutions 05/08/2024
The number of 15-year-old schoolgirls in general education institutions 05/08/2024
The number of 16-year-old schoolgirls in general education institutions 05/08/2024
The number of 17-year-old schoolgirls in general education institutions 05/08/2024
Number of teachers in general education institutions (by regions) 15/08/2023
Graduates of 11 classes (by regions) 06/08/2024
The number of female students aged 18 and older in general education institutions 05/08/2024
Number of students aged 6 in general education institutions 15/08/2023
Number of students aged 7 in general education institutions 05/08/2024
Number of students aged 8 in general education institutions 05/08/2024
Number of students aged 9 in general education institutions 05/08/2024
Number of students aged 10 in general education institutions 05/08/2024
Number of students aged 11in general education institutions 05/08/2024
Number of students aged 12 in general education institutions 05/08/2024
Number of students aged 13 in general education institutions 05/08/2024
Number of students aged 14 in general education institutions 05/08/2024
Number of students aged 15 in general education institutions 05/08/2024
Number of students aged 16 in general education institutions 05/08/2024
Number of students aged 17 in general education institutions 05/08/2024
Number of students aged 18 and older in general education institutions 05/08/2024
Number of primary schools (4 years of study: Grades I – IV) 02/08/2024
Number of general secondary educational institutions 02/08/2024
The number of students in primary schools (4 years of study: grades I – IV) 02/08/2024
The number of students in general secondary educational institutions 02/08/2024
The number of boarding schools for children with disabilities in physical or mental development 01/07/2024
The number of students in schools, boarding schools for children with disabilities in physical or mental development 01/07/2024
The number of students in grades I – IV in general secondary educational institutions 08/02/2024
The number of students in grades V – IX in general secondary educational institutions 08/02/2024
The number of students in grades X – XI in general secondary educational institutions 08/02/2024
The number of graduates of the 9th grade 01/07/2024
Preschool education
The number of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions (total) 22/08/2023
Number of teaching staff of preschool educational organizations (city) 22/08/2023
Coverage of children aged 3-6 years in preschool institutions 05/08/2024
Coverage of children aged 1-6 years in preschool institutions 18/08/2023
Number of teaching staff of preschool educational organizations (village) 22/08/2023
Number of places in preschool educational organizations (village) 22/08/2023
Number of preschool educational organizations (village) 22/08/2023
Number of preschool educational organizations (total) 09/02/2024
Number of students in preschool education organizations (boys) 18/08/2023
Number of pupils of preschool education organizations (girls) 18/08/2023
Number of educators in preschool education organizations (total) 18/08/2023
Number of pre-school educational organizations in urban areas (city) 22/08/2023
Number of places in organizations of preschool education (city) 22/08/2023
Number of places in preschool organizations (Total) 27/08/2024
Number of non-governmental organizations of preschool education (total) 22/08/2023
Number of students in non-state organizations of preschool education (total) 22/08/2023
Number of non-governmental organizations of preschool education (urban) 23/08/2023
Number of non-governmental organizations of preschool education (rural) 22/08/2023
Number of seats in non-governmental preschool organizations (total) 22/08/2023
Number of seats in non-governmental preschool organizations (urban) 22/08/2023
Number of seats in non-governmental preschool organizations (rural) 22/08/2023
Number of raised in non-governmental preschool organizations (girls) 22/08/2023
Number of raised in non-governmental preschool organizations (boys) 22/08/2023
The number of pedagogical employees of non-governmental preschool educational organizations (total)) 22/08/2023
The number of pedagogical employees of non-governmental preschool educational organizations (urban) 22/08/2023
The number of pedagogical employees of non-governmental preschool educational organizations (rural) 22/08/2023
The number of pupils in pre-school educational institutions (city) 08/02/2024
The number of pupils in pre-school educational institutions (village) 08/02/2024
Postgraduate education
Number of studying at the base doctoral institutes (women) 15/08/2023
Number of studying at the base doctoral institutes (men) 17/08/2023
Number of studying at the base doctoral institutes (total) 15/08/2023
Higher education
Number of students graduating from higher education institutions (total) 02/07/2024
Number of students who graduated from higher educational organizations (women) 01/07/2024
Number of students graduating from higher educational organizations (men) 02/07/2024
Number of students in higher educational institutions (men) 02/07/2024
Number of students in higher educational institutions (women) 02/07/2024
Number of students aged 17 and under in higher education institutions 02/07/2024
Number of 18-year-old students in higher education organizations 02/07/2024
Number of 19-year-old students in higher education organizations 02/07/2024
Number of 20-year-old students in higher education organizations 02/07/2024
Number of 21-year-old students in higher education organizations 02/07/2024
Number of 22-year-old students in higher education organizations 02/07/2024
Number of 23-year-old students in higher education organizations 02/07/2024
Number of 24-year-old students in higher education organizations 02/07/2024
Number of 25-year-old students in higher education organizations 02/07/2024
Number of students aged 30-34 in higher education organizations 02/07/2024
Number of students aged 35-39 in higher education organizations 02/07/2024
Number of students 40 years and older in higher education organizations 02/07/2024
Applications submitted to the magistracy of higher educational organizations 17/08/2023
Number of higher educational organizations (total) 01/07/2024
Number of students aged 26-29 in higher education organizations 02/07/2024
The number of teachers of higher educational organizations 02/07/2024
Number of students students in higher education organizations (total) 02/07/2024
Students admitted to the baccalaureate of higher education organizations 02/08/2024
Students enrolled for 100 places in the Bachelor's degree of higher educational organizzations 17/08/2023
Quantity Applications for undergraduate admission to higher educational institutions 17/08/2023
Students admitted to the master's degree of higher education organizations 17/08/2023
Students entering the Master's degree of higher educational organizations 02/08/2024
Number of higher education institutions (by districts) 15/08/2023
Number of students in non-state higher educational organizations 15/08/2023
Non-state higher educational organizations (total) 15/08/2023
The number of foreign higher educational institutions 08/02/2024
The number of full-time students 02/08/2024
The number of students enrolled in the evening form of education 02/08/2024
The number of students studying by correspondence 02/08/2024
The number of students of higher educational institutions per 10000 population 08/02/2024
Published literary and artistic publications per 1000 population 23/07/2024
Published magazines and other periodicals (including compilations and bulletins that are published periodically) per 1000 population 23/07/2024
Number of users of information resource and information library centers 23/07/2024
The number of children's theaters and theaters of the young spectator 23/07/2024
Newspaper publication per 1000 population 23/07/2024
Number of visits to theaters, on average per 1000 population 23/07/2024
Number of spectators 23/07/2024
Number of performances 23/07/2024
Printed sheets - prints of books and brochures 23/07/2024
Number of books and brochures (printed units) 23/07/2024
Annual circulation of books and brochures 23/07/2024
Of the total number of books and brochures of literary and art printed publications 23/07/2024
Number of books and magazines 23/07/2024
Information-resource and information-library centers 17/08/2023
The number of books and magazines on average per one center 23/07/2024
The number of books and magazines on average per user 23/07/2024
Number of books and magazines issued per average user, copies 23/07/2024
Number of opera and ballet performances 23/07/2024
The number of performances of drama, comedy and music 23/07/2024
Number of drama, comedy and music theaters 22/07/2024
Number of magazines and other periodicals (including compilations and bulletins that are published periodically) 23/07/2024
One-time circulation of newspapers 23/07/2024
Printed sheets - prints of magazines and other periodicals (including compilations and bulletins that are published periodically) 23/07/2024
Annual circulation of newspapers 23/07/2024
Annual circulation of magazines and other periodicals (including compilations and bulletins that are published periodically) 23/07/2024
Of the total number of books and brochures, the annual circulation of literary and artistic publications 23/07/2024
Number of opera and ballet theaters 22/07/2024
Number of theaters (professional) 22/07/2024
Number of libraries, information resource and information library centers 23/07/2024
Number of libraries in educational institutions 23/07/2024
Number of museums (including branches) 23/07/2024
Number of museum exhibits 23/07/2024
Number of guided tours in museums 23/07/2024
The number of organized exhibitions in museums 23/07/2024
Number of visits to museums 23/07/2024
Number of museum visits by schoolchildren, students, students of academic lyceums and professional colleges 23/07/2024
Number of museum visits per 1000 inhabitants 23/07/2024
Number of performances for children and young viewers 22/07/2024
Number of cases of acute intestinal infections 07/11/2023
Vaccination of children under 1 year of age against whooping cough 06/10/2023
Vaccination of children under 1 year of age against tetanus 15/08/2023
Vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella in children under 2 years of age 06/10/2023
Number of obstetricians and gynecologists 06/10/2023
Number of outpatient clinics (by districts) 21/08/2023
Number of outpatient clinics 05/08/2024
Number of cases of bacterial dysentery 25/10/2023
Number of cases of brucellosis 07/11/2023
Number of dermatovenerologists 06/10/2023
The number of cases of influenza, acute infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract 06/10/2023
Number of surgeons 06/10/2023
Number of physical education doctors 06/10/2023
Proportion of underweight children 06/10/2023
The number of cases of whooping cough 15/08/2023
Number of sanitary-epidemiological group doctors 06/10/2023
Number of hospitals (by districts) 21/08/2023
Number of hospitals 05/08/2024
The number of secondary medical workers 05/08/2024
Number of beds in hospitals 06/08/2024
Number of dentists 06/10/2023
Number of cases of viral hepatitis 15/08/2023
Incidence of flu-like diseases 06/10/2023
Incidence of typhoid fever 15/11/2023
Incidence of measles 15/11/2023
Incidence of meningococcal infection 15/11/2023
Incidence of salmonella infections 07/11/2023
Incidence of scarlet fever 07/11/2023
Incidence of acute upper and lower respiratory tract infections 06/10/2023
Number of doctors 06/08/2024
Prevalence of stunting 06/10/2023
Proportion of underweight children-boys 15/11/2023
Proportion of underweight children-girls 06/10/2023
Vaccination of children under 1 year against diphtheria 15/08/2023
Vaccination of children under 1 year against pertussis (by regions) 15/08/2023
Vaccination of children under 1 year against poliomyelitis 15/11/2023
Vaccination of children under 1 year against measles 15/11/2023
Number of doctors by therapeutic specialty 06/10/2023
Using an intrauterine spiral 06/10/2023
Number of phthisiatrist 06/10/2023
Use of hormonal drugs 06/10/2023
Number of narcologists 06/10/2023
Number of neuropathologists 06/10/2023
Number of ophthalmologists 06/10/2023
Number of oncologists 06/10/2023
Number of otolaryngologists 06/10/2023
Number of pediatricians 06/10/2023
Number of psychiatrists 06/10/2023
Number of radiologists and radiologists 06/10/2023
Prevalence of stunting in boys 06/10/2023
Prevalence of stunting in girls 06/10/2023
Number of obstetrics and gynecology offices 15/08/2023
Capacity of outpatient and polyclinic institutions, number of trips per shift 15/08/2023
Capacity of outpatient and polyclinic institutions, number of trips per shift 15/08/2023
The number of female doctors of all specialties 15/08/2023
Number of children's polyclinics (departments) 15/08/2023
Number of beds for pregnant women and parturient women 15/08/2023
Number of nurses, per 10 000 population 15/08/2023
Number of doctors, per 10 000 population 15/08/2023
Number of hospital beds, per 10 000 population 28/08/2023
Number of treated patients in hospitals total 15/08/2023
Population per average medical worker 15/08/2023
Population per doctor 15/08/2023
Population per hospital bed 15/08/2023
Number of beds for pregnant women and parturient women for 10 000 women (15-49 years) 15/08/2023
Percentage of female doctors out of the total number of doctors 15/08/2023
Social protection
Number of people receiving pensions and social benefits (total) 06/08/2024
Number of people receiving pensions and social benefits ( Regions) 06/08/2024
Number of orphanages 15/08/2023
Number of people receiving pensions and social benefits per 10 000 population 06/08/2024
The average monthly pension assigned to retirees 06/08/2024
Average monthly pension amount assigned 06/08/2024
The minimum amount of age-related pensions 06/08/2024
Number of children in orphanages 15/08/2023
The number of beds in children’s homes 15/08/2023
The number of people receiving pensions and social benefits by the corresponding period of the previous year, as a percentage 08/02/2024
The minimum age pension for the corresponding period of the previous year, as a percentage 08/02/2024
The average monthly pension amount for the corresponding period of the previous year, as a percentage 08/02/2024
Secondary specialized, vocational education
Number of graduate girls in colleges (girls) 18/08/2023
The number of teachers of academic lyceums 01/07/2024
Number of college teachers (village) 18/08/2023
Number of college graduates (boys) 18/08/2023
Number of graduates in colleges (total) 18/08/2023
Number of teachers in colleges (total) 01/07/2024
Number of student boys in colleges (boys) 01/07/2024
Number of female students in colleges (girls) 01/07/2024
Number of students in colleges (total) 01/07/2024
Special secondary, professional educational institutions (total) 01/07/2024
Number of students in secondary special vocational education institutions 28/08/2023
Number of students enrolled in secondary special vocational education institutions 15/08/2023
Number of students of the Academic Lyceum (total) 01/07/2024
Number of graduates of the Academic lyceum (total) 01/07/2024
Number of students in academic lyceums (female) 01/07/2024
Number of students in academic lyceums (boys) 01/07/2024
Number of colleges (vallage) 15/08/2023
Number of colleges (city) 15/08/2023
Number of academic lyceums (total) 01/07/2024
Number of colleges (total) 01/07/2024
Number of teachers in colleges (women) 01/07/2024
Number of teachers in colleges (men) 01/07/2024
The number of graduating from academic lyceums (boys) 01/07/2024
Number of graduates of academic lyceums (girls) 01/07/2024
Number of teachers of academic lyceums with higher education 09/02/2024
Distribution of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan (men) who went abroad for tourism purposes by country 09/04/2024
Outbound tourism 16/08/2024
Number of citizens who traveled abroad for tourist purposes (men) 09/04/2024
Number of citizens who went abroad for tourism purposes (women) 09/04/2024
Number of objects of recreation organizations and tourist bases 23/08/2024
Number of operating travel companies and organizations 16/08/2024
Domestic tourism 16/08/2024
Number of people served by tourist companies and organizations 23/08/2024
Distribution of foreign citizens (women) who entered the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism purposes by country 09/04/2024
Number of objects of collective accommodation facilities (total) 16/08/2024
Inbound tourism 16/08/2024
The number of tours sold by travel companies and organizations 23/08/2024
Number of places in collective accommodation facilities (total) 16/08/2024
Sanatorium and resort organizations 23/08/2024
Number of people accommodated in sanatorium and resort institutions and recreation organizations 23/08/2024
Number of hotels and similar accommodation facilities 16/08/2024
Number of places in sanatorium-resort institutions and recreation organizations 23/08/2024
Number of places in hotels and similar accommodation facilities 16/08/2024
Number of visitors accommodated in a hotel and similar accommodation facilities 23/08/2024
Distribution of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan (women) who went abroad for tourism purposes by country 09/04/2024
Number of places in recreation organizations and tourist bases 16/08/2024
The number of citizens who traveled abroad for tourist purposes (total) 09/04/2024
Distribution of the number of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who left for tourist purposes by country (total) 09/04/2024
The number of foreign citizens who came for leisure and recreation purposes- total 09/04/2024
The number of foreign citizens who arrived for medical purposes (total) 09/04/2024
The number of foreign citizens who arrived to visit relatives (total) 09/04/2024
Distribution by country of the number of foreign citizens arriving in Uzbekistan for tourist purposes (total) 25/06/2024
The number of foreign citizens who arrived for tourism purposes (total) 23/07/2024
The number of foreign citizens who arrived to study (total) 09/04/2024
Number of foreign citizens who entered for commercial purposes (total) 09/04/2024
Number of foreign citizens who arrived for tourism purposes (women) 08/04/2024
Number of foreign citizens who arrived for tourism purposes (men) 08/04/2024
The number of foreign citizens who entered on business (total) 09/04/2024
Distribution of foreign citizens (women) who entered the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism purposes by country 09/04/2024
Disability statistics
With primary disability for reasons of disability (women) 17/08/2023
With primary disability for reasons of disability (men) 17/08/2023
With primary disability for reasons of disability (total) 17/08/2023
Number of boarding houses for disabled children 17/08/2023
Number of boarding houses for the elderly and disabled (adults) 17/08/2023
Number places of boarding houses for the elderly and disabled (adults) 17/08/2023
Number residents of boarding houses for the elderly and disabled (adults) 17/08/2023
Number of boarding houses for children with disabilities (places) 17/08/2023
Number of boarding houses for children with disabilities (residents) 17/08/2023
The number of men recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to work injury 09/02/2024
The number of men recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to an occupational disease 09/02/2024
The number of boys recognized as persons with disabilities for the first time since childhood 09/02/2024
The number of men recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to injury or illness caused by the Chernobyl accident 09/02/2024
The number of men recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to a disease associated with being at the front 09/02/2024
The number of men recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to a disease associated with being in the war in Afghanistan 09/02/2024
The number of men recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to an illness received while performing military service duties 09/02/2024
The number of men recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to an illness received during military service 09/02/2024
The number of men recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to a disease unrelated to service in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan 09/02/2024
The number of men recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to injury not related to service in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan 09/02/2024
The number of men recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to injury received while performing military service duties 09/02/2024
The number of men recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to injury resulting from an accident unrelated to the performance of military service duties 09/02/2024
The number of women recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to work disability 09/02/2024
The number of women recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to an occupational disease 09/02/2024
The number of girls recognized as persons with disabilities for the first time since childhood 09/02/2024
The number of women recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to an illness received while performing military service duties 09/02/2024
The number of women recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to an illness received during military service 09/02/2024
The number of women recognized for the first time as persons with disabilities due to injury (injury, trauma, contusion) received while performing military service duties 09/02/2024
Science and innovations
Innovative volume of enterprises and organizations 02/08/2024
Proportion of graduates of science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs in higher education who are women 17/08/2023
Those who have higher education than the number of employees engaged in scientific research and experience-constructive developments 17/08/2023
Innovative costs of enterprises and organizations 02/08/2024
Number of employees engaged in research and development 17/08/2023
The volume of scientific research and development 17/08/2023
Number of organizations engaged in research and development 17/08/2023
Number of enterprises and organizations implementing innovations 02/08/2024
Number of implemented innovations 02/08/2024
The number of organizations that have carried out research work 09/02/2024
The number of organizations that have performed basic research 09/02/2024
The number of organizations that performed design and technological work 09/02/2024
The number of organizations that carried out the manufacture of prototypes, batches, products (products) 09/02/2024
The number of organizations performing design work for construction 09/02/2024
The number of organizations that performed scientific and technical services 09/02/2024
The volume of research work performed 09/02/2024
The volume of fundamental research performed 09/02/2024
The volume of design and technological work performed 09/02/2024
The volume of manufactured prototypes, batches, products (products) 09/02/2024
The volume of completed design work for construction 09/02/2024
The volume of scientific and technical services performed 09/02/2024
Relative indicators of education statistics
For 10 000 population there are students of secondary special, professional educational institutions 04/10/2023
Average duration of education population over 25 years old 04/10/2023
The average length of education of men is 25 years and older 04/10/2023
Expected years of schooling 04/10/2023
The average duration of education of women is 25 years and older 04/10/2023
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