Gross domestic product by production method
Gross domestic product (production method, at current prices, annual) 30/10/2024
Gross value added of industries (at current prices, annual) 14/08/2024
Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)(at current prices, annual) (-) 14/08/2024
Net taxes on products (at current prices, annual) 14/08/2024
Gross domestic product (production method, at constant prices, annual) 07/08/2024
Gross value added of industries (at constant prices, annual) 07/08/2024
Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM) (at constant prices, annual) (-) 07/08/2024
Net taxes on products (at constant prices, annual) 07/08/2024
Growth rates of gross domestic product (production method, annual) 14/08/2024
Growth rates of Gross value added of industries (annual) 07/08/2024
Growth rate of financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM, annual) 14/08/2024
Growth rates of net taxes on products (annual) 07/08/2024
Gross regional product (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Gross value added of industries (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Gross value added of agriculture, forestry and fishing (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Gross value added of industry (including construction, quarterly) 24/10/2024
Gross value added of industry (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Gross value added of construction (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Gross value added in services (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Gross value added of trade, accommodation and food services (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Gross value added of transportation and storage, information and communication (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Gross value added of other service industries (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Net taxes on products (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Growth rates of Gross domestic (regional) product (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Growth rates of Gross value added of industries (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Growth rates of agriculture, forestry and fishing (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Growth rates of industry (including construction, quarterly) 24/10/2024
Growth rates of industry (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Growth rates of construction (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Growth rates of the service sector (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Growth rates of trade, accommodation and food services (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Growth rates of transportation and storage, information and communication (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Growth rates of other service industries (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Growth rate of net taxes on products (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Gross domestic product deflator index (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Deflator index for industries (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Deflator index for agriculture, forestry and fishing (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Industry deflator index (including construction, quarterly) 24/10/2024
Deflator index for industry (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Deflator index for construction (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Deflator index of services sector (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Deflator index for trade, accommodation and food services (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Deflator index for transportation and storage, information and communication (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Deflator index for other service industries (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Deflator index for net taxes on products (quarterly) 24/10/2024
Share of small business and private entrepreneurship in GDP 09/07/2024
Gross domestic product by expenditure method
Gross domestic product (by expenditures method, at current prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Final consumption expenditures (at current prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Final consumption expenditure of households (at current prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Final consumption expenditure of general government (at current prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (at current prices,annaul) 08/08/2024
Gross capital formation (at current prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Gross fixed capital formation (at current prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Changes in inventories (at current prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Export of goods and services (at current prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Imports of goods and services (at current prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Statistical discrepancy (at current prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Gross domestic product (by expenditures method, at constant prices, annual) 07/08/2024
Final consumption expenditure (at constant prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Final consumption expenditure of households (at constant prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Final consumption expenditure of general government (at constant prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (at constant prices,annaul) 07/08/2024
Gross capital formation (at constant prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Export of goods and services (at constant prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Imports of goods and services (at constant prices, annual) 08/08/2024
Growth rates of gross domestic product (by expenditures method, annual) 07/08/2024
Growth rates of final consumption expenditures (annual) 08/08/2024
Growth rates of final consumption expenditure of households (annual) 07/08/2024
Growth rates of final consumption expenditure of general government (annual) 07/08/2024
Growth rates of final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (annual) 08/08/2024
Growth rates of gross fixed capital formation (annual) 07/08/2024
Growth rates of export of goods and services (annual) 08/08/2024
Growth rates of imports of goods and services (annual) 08/08/2024
Gross domestic product (by expenditures method, at current prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Final consumption expenditures (at current prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Final consumption expenditure of households (at current prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Final consumption expenditure of general government (at current prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (at current prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Gross capital formation (at current prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Gross fixed capital formation (at current prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Changes in inventories (at current prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Export of goods and services (at current prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Imports of goods and services (at current prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Gross domestic product (by expenditures method, at constant prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Final consumption expenditure (at constant prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Final consumption expenditure of households (at constant prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Final consumption expenditure of general government (at constant prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (at constant prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Gross capital formation (at constant prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Export of goods and services (at constant prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Imports of goods and services (at constant prices, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Growth rates of gross domestic product (by expenditures method, quarterly) 07/01/2025
Growth rates of final consumption expenditures (quarterly) 07/01/2025
Growth rates of final consumption expenditure of households (quarterly) 07/01/2025
Growth rates of final consumption expenditure of general government (quarterly) 07/01/2025
Growth rates of final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (quarterly) 07/01/2025
Growth rates of gross fixed capital formation (quarterly) 07/01/2025
Growth rates of export of goods and services (quarterly) 07/01/2025
Growth rates of imports of goods and services (quarterly) 07/01/2025
Gross regional product
Growth rates of gross domestic (regional) product (annual) 07/08/2024
Volume of gross domestic (regional) product per capita (annual) 07/08/2024
Growth rates of gross domestic (regional) product per capita (annual) 07/08/2024
Volume of gross domestic (regional) product (annual) 07/08/2024
Gross domestic product by income method
Share of compensation of employees in GDP 29/05/2024
Share of net taxes on production and imports in GDP 29/05/2024
Share of gross operating surplus and gross mixed income in GDP 29/05/2024
Non-observed economy
Volume of informal economy 21/08/2024
Volume of hidden economy 21/08/2024
Total volume of informal and hidden economy 21/08/2024
Share of informal economy in GDP, in percent 07/08/2024
Share of hidden economy in GDP, in percent 07/08/2024
Share of informal and hidden economy in GDP, in percent 21/08/2024
Volume of informal economy by region 21/08/2024
Volume of hidden economy by region 21/08/2024
Total volume of informal and hidden economy by region 21/08/2024
Share of informal economy in GDP (GRP) by region, in percent 21/08/2024
Share of hidden economy in GDP (GRP) by region, in percent 21/08/2024
Share of informal and hidden economy in GDP (GRP) by region, in percent 21/08/2024
Tourism Satellite Account
Inbound tourism expenditure - total 01/05/2024
Inbound tourism expenditure 02/04/2024
Domestic tourism expenditure (all types of trips) - total 02/04/2024
Domestic tourism expenditure (all types of trips) 02/04/2024
Outbound tourism expenditure - total 02/04/2024
Outbound tourism expenditure 02/04/2024
Internal tourism consumption - total 02/04/2024
Internal tourism consumption 02/04/2024
Production accounts of tourism industries and other industries (tourism industries) - total 02/04/2024
Production accounts of tourism industries and other industries (tourism industries) 02/04/2024
Production accounts of tourism industries and other industries (other industries) - total 02/04/2024
Production accounts of tourism industries and other industries (other industries) 02/04/2024
Production accounts of tourism industries and other industries (output of domestic producers) - total 02/04/2024
Production accounts of tourism industries and other industries (output of domestic producers) 02/04/2024
Domestic supply related to internal direct tourism (tourism industries) - total 02/04/2024
Domestic supply related to internal direct tourism (tourism industries) 02/04/2024
Domestic supply related to internal direct tourism (other industries) - total 02/04/2024
Domestic supply related to internal direct tourism (other industries) 02/04/2024
Domestic supply related to internal direct tourism (product release by domestic producers) - total 02/04/2024
Domestic supply related to internal direct tourism (product release by domestic producers) 02/04/2024
Employment in tourism industries (number of employees in legal entities) - total 02/04/2024
Employment in tourism industries (number of employees in legal entities) 02/04/2024
Employment in tourism industries (actual hours worked) - total 02/04/2024
Employment in tourism industries (actual hours worked) 02/04/2024
Gross fixed capital formation in tourism industries (for legal entities) 02/04/2024
Collective accommodation - total 02/04/2024
Activities of collective accommodation facilities (number of collective accommodation facilities) 02/04/2024
Collective accommodation - total 02/04/2024
Activities of collective accommodation facilities (number of persons accommodated) 02/04/2024
Collective accommodation - total 02/04/2024
Activities of collective accommodation facilities (number of overnight stays) 02/04/2024
Gross value added created in tourism industries 02/04/2024
The share of gross value added created in the tourism industries in the country’s GDP 02/04/2024
Gross value added created directly in tourism 02/04/2024
The share of gross value added created directly in tourism in the country’s GDP 02/04/2024
Gross domestic product generated directly in tourism 02/04/2024
The share of GDP generated directly in tourism in the country’s GDP 02/04/2024
Share of GVA created directly in tourism in the country’s GVA 02/04/2024
Total domestic supply (output) in the economy 02/04/2024
Domestic supply (output) of tourism industries 02/04/2024
Internal tourism consumption 02/04/2024
The share of consumption related to internal tourism in the domestic supply of the country’s economic sectors 02/04/2024
Consumption related to inbound tourism 02/04/2024