Children's rights and management of these rights
Demographics and population movement
Permanent population (total)
Permanent population (female)
Permanent population (male)
Permanent population of 0-2 years old
Permanent population of 3-5 years
Permanent population aged 6-7 years
Permanent population aged 8-15 years
Permanent population aged 16-17 years
Number of births (total)
Number of births (girls)
Number of births (boys)
Birth rate (total)
Birth accumulation coefficient
Expected life expectancy at birth (total)
Life expectancy at birth (city)
Expected life expectancy at birth (rural)
Share of households with children under 16 years old
1 share of households with children
Share of households with 2 children
Share of households with 3 children
Share of households with 4 and more children
Economic indicators (political economy)
Economically active population
Economic activity level of the population
Unemployment rate
Unemployment rate (women)
Unemployment rate (men)
Uneven distribution of population income (Gini coefficient)
Government spending for children
State expenditures made to the health sector
Health and nutrition
Health system
Number of hospital facilities
Number of places of hospital institutions
Number of outpatient clinics
Number of doctors
Number of secondary medical personnel
Health of mothers, newborns and children
Onalar o‘limi
Maternal mortality ratio
Number of children who died under 5 years of age (total)
Number of children who died under 5 years of age (city)
Number of children who died under 5 years of age (village)
Child mortality rate under 5 years (total)
Child mortality rate under 5 years (city)
Child mortality rate up to 5 years old (rural)
Infant mortality (total)
Infant mortality (city)
Infant mortality (village)
Infant mortality ratio (Total)
Infant mortality ratio (city)
Infant mortality ratio (rural)
Diphtheria vaccination of children under 1 year old
Vaccination of children under 1 year of age against pertussis (in cross-sectional areas)
Vaccination of children under 1 year of age against polio
Vaccination of children under 1 year of age against measles
Vaccination of children under 1 year of age against whooping cough
Vaccination of children under 1 year old against tetanus
Vaccination of children under 2 years of age against measles, mumps and rubella
Education, recreation and culture
Education and participation in education
Number of preschool ta՚lim organizations (total)
Number of preschool ta՚lim organizations (City)
Number of preschool ta՚lim organizations (village)
Number of seats in preschool ta՚lim organizations (total)
Number of seats in preschool ta՚lim organizations (City)
Number of seats in preschool ta՚lim organizations (village)
The number of people raised in preschool ta՚lim organizations (total)
Number of pre-school education organizations (girls)
Number of people raised in preschool ta՚lim organizations (boys)
Number of pupils in preschool ta՚lim organizations (City)
Number of pupils in preschool ta՚lim organizations (village)
Coverage of children aged 1-6 years with preschool education
Coverage of children 3-6 years old with preschool education
The number of pedagogical employees of preschool ta՚lim organizations (total)
The number of pedagogical employees of preschool educational organizations (City)
The number of pedagogical workers of preschool ta՚lim organizations (village)
Number of general education institutions (total)
Number of public institutions (City)
Number of general education institutions (rural)
Number of students in general education institutions (total)
Number of students (girls)in secondary institutions
The number of students in secondary institutions (boys)
Number of students in grades I – IV of general secondary education organizations
Number of students in grades V – IX of general secondary education organizations
Number of students in grades X – XI of general secondary education organizations
Number of 9th grade graduates
11th grade graduates (total)
11th grade graduates (city)
11th grade graduates (rural
Number of teachers of general education institutions (total)
Number of teachers of general education institutions (City)
Number of teachers of secondary institutions (rural)
Number of academic lyceums (total)
The number of students in academic lyceums (total)
Number of students in academic lyceums (girls)
Number of students in academic lyceums (boys)
Number of academic Lyceum teachers
Number of higher education teachers of academic lyceums
Academic Lyceum graduation rate (total)
Number of graduates in academic lyceums (girls)
Number of graduates in academic lyceums (boys)
Number of colleges (total)
Number of colleges (city)
Number of colleges (village)
The colleges have a student body (total)
College enrollment (girls)
College enrollment (boys)
The number of teachers in colleges (total) is
Number of teachers (women)in colleges
Number of teachers (men)in colleges
The number of graduates in colleges (total)is
College graduation rates (girls
College graduation rates (boys
Quality of Education and skills
Literacy rate of young people aged 16-24 (total)
Literacy rate of young people aged 16-24 (male
Literacy rate of young people aged 16-24 (women)
Family environment and Child Protection
Number of early marriages
Child poverty and material deprivation
Poverty rate
The volume of real total income per capita (in the cross section of territories)
Real total per capita income growth rate (in cross-section)
Uneven population distribution of income by 10% of the population groups (I detsil )
Uneven population distribution of income by 10% of the population groups (I detsil )
Uneven population distribution of income by 10% of the population groups (detsil II)
Uneven population distribution of income by 10% of the population groups (detsil III)
Uneven population distribution of income by 10% of the population groups (IV detsil)
Uneven population distribution of income by 10% of the population groups (V detsil)
Uneven population distribution of income by 10% of the population groups (VI detsil)
Uneven population distribution of income by 10% of the population groups (VII detsil)
Auneven distribution of holi income by 10% of the population groups (VIII detsil)
Uneven population distribution of income by 10% of the population groups (IX detsil)
Uneven population distribution of income by 10% of the population groups (X detsil)
Living in a safe and clean environment ( water and hygiene)
Share of households using at least basic drinking water services (in urban areas)
The proportion of households using at least basic drinking water services (in rural areas)is
Share of households using at least basic drinking water services (total)
Share of safe drinking water users(in urban areas)
Share of safe drinking water users (in rural areas)
Share of Safe Drinking Water Users (total)