For the attention of respondents (reporting entities)!
The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics issued a press release " Construction work in the Republic of Uzbekistan" for January-November 2021 and published in the "Publications" section on the committee's website as follows address: https://stat.uz/en/press-releases/7659-for-2021-year
For the attention of respondents (reporting entities)!
The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics issued a press release "Retail and wholesale trade turnover in the Republic of Uzbekistan" for January-November 2021 and published in the "Publications" section on the committee's website as follows address: https://stat.uz/en/press-releases/7659-for-2021-year
For the attention of respondents (reporting entities)!
The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics issued a press release "Foreign trade turnover in the Republic of Uzbekistan" for January-November 2021 and published in the "Publications" section on the committee's website as follows address: https://stat.uz/en/press-releases/7659-for-2021-year
For the attention of respondents (reporting entities)!
The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics issued a press release "Development of the service sphere in the Republic of Uzbekistan" for January-November 2021 and published in the "Publications" section on the committee's website as follows address: https://stat.uz/en/press-releases/7659-for-2021-year
For the attention of respondents (reporting entities)!
The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics issued a press release "Industrial production of the Republic of Uzbekistan" for January-November 2021 and published in the "Publications" section on the committee's website as follows address: https://stat.uz/en/press-releases/7659-for-2021-year.
For the attention of respondents (reporting entities)!
The State Statistics Committee has compiled statistical information on the Dynamics of the consumer price index in fixed weights (to the previous month), Dynamics of the price index of industrial producers (to the previous month), Dynamics of the price index for transport and communication services (to the previous month), Dynamics of the price index for investments in fixed assets and construction work (to the previous month), Dynamics of the price index for imported goods in the Republic of Uzbekistan (to the previous month, to December of the previous year), Dynamics of the export price index in the Republic of Uzbekistan (to the previous month, to December of the previous year), Dynamics of average prices for separate types of goods in dekhkan markets and shops in the Republic of Uzbekistan, Dynamics of average prices for selected types of goods in dekhkan markets in the Republic of Uzbekistan and Dynamics of average prices for selected types of goods in stores in the Republic of Uzbekistan for November 2021 and posted in the "Official statistics" section on the committee's website as follows address: https://stat.uz/en/official-statistics/prices-and-indexes
For the attention of respondents (reporting entities)!
The State Statistics Committee has compiled statistical information on the main indicators of wholesale trade organizations, the volume of retail trade turnover by region, the growth rate of the retail trade turnover by region, the retail trade turnover per capita by region, the growth rate of the retail trade turnover, the main retail trade indicators for January-November 2021 and posted in the "Official statistics" section of the committee's website at the following address:https://stat.uz/en/official-statistics/internal-trade
For the attention of respondents (reporting entities)!
The State Statistics Committee has compiled statistical information on the Index of the physical volume of industrial production by type of economic activity and Industrial production by type of economic activity (in soums) for January-November 2021 and posted in the "Official statistics" section on the committee's website as follows address: https://stat.uz/en/official-statistics/industry
For the attention of respondents (reporting entities)!
The State Statistics Committee has compiled statistical information on Labor market for 3rd quarter 2021 and published in the "Official statistics" section on the committee's website.
For the attention of respondents (reporting entities)!
The State Statistics Committee has compiled statistical information on Construction works for January-November 2021 and published in the "Official statistics" section on the committee's website.
For the attention of respondents (reporting entities)!
By the decree of the State Committee on Statistics of 10/11/2021 No.10- mb the statistical reporting forms for 2022 were approved. The forms of statistical reporting for 2022, approved by resolution of the Goskomstat dated 11/10/2021 No.10-mb and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan (reg. No. 3334 dated 11/25/2021), are available on the official website of the Goskomstat at the following address http://test.lex.uz/docs/5743046. These forms of statistical reporting are intended for presentation by reporting entities, starting with annual reports for 2021 and for periods of 2022. We remind you that all reporting forms are provided in electronic form using the eStat program over the Internet. https://my.stat.uz/uz
Attention to users!
Methodological documents approved by Goskomstat in November 2021 are posted on the website http://lib.stat.uz/
Attention to users!
The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics issued a press release "Inflation in the consumer sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan" for November 2021 and published in the "Publications" section on the committee's website.
Goskomstat Information Service
To the attention of the mass media of the Republic!
The State Statistics Committee, together with UNICEF, on June 16, 2021 at 14:00, invites you to take part in a press conference at the Agency of Information and Mass Communications under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the topic: "The main goal of conducting Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS)". If you would like to learn more about the activities of the Committee and receive comprehensive answers on this topic, please contact us. We are always ready to communicate with you.
Address: 30 Navoiy st. The city of Tashkent.
Goskomstat Information Service
On February 8-9 this year at 10:00 an expanded meeting of the Board of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics will be held. The issues that will be considered at the meeting can be found at the following link
Press service
To the attention of all media representatives of the Republic!
On January 14, 2021, at 09:30 a.m., in the Bunyodkor mahalla, Yangiyul district of Tashkent region, together with the State Committee on Statistics and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), preparations will be made for Multiple Indicator Cluster Observations (MICS), as well as updating segment maps and registering households in selected clusters. We invite you to take part in this process!
If you would like to learn more about the activities of the Committee and receive comprehensive answers on this topic, please contact us. We are always ready to communicate with you.
Address: Tashkent region, Yangiyul district, Bunyodkor mahalla.
Goskomstat Information Service
To the attention of all media representatives of the Republic!
The State Committee on Statistics on December 7, 2020 at 16:00 invites you to take part in a press conference at the National Press Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the topic: “Preparatory work for the population census in 2023”.
If you would like to learn more about the activities of the Committee and receive comprehensive answers on this topic, please contact us. We are always ready to communicate with you.
Address: Tashkent, Navoiy str., 16.
Goskomstat Information Service
The official statistical compilations of the Goskomstat for 2020 are available for sale in electronic form
AGRICULTURE OF UZBEKISTAN The statistical compilation publishes the main indicators characterizing the economy of the agricultural sector. The collection contains data on the volume of agricultural production and the share in gross domestic product (GDP), the number of workers employed in agriculture, sown area, gross harvest, productivity, livestock and livestock production. |
Information service
State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics announces a competition to create motto and logo of Population Censuses of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022
The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics announces a competition for the creation of the best, most original and easily recognizable logo and slogan (motto) under which the Population Census of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022 will be held. They will be used as the main identifiers in advertising and informational materials.
For information: phone 71 230 80 63
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Goskomstat Information Service
Video tutorial 1-KB (annual)
Goskomstat has prepared a video tutorial for the convenience of business entities providing state statistical reporting in the 1-KB form (annual) based on the results of 2019, with the goal of easily and quickly reporting. You can use this video tutorial at:
Video➡️ https://youtu.be/JQsIpxT_QHU
Goskomstat Information Service
To the attention of users of the main socio-economic indicators of the country and interesting statistics!
We inform you that from January 1, 2020, the new official Telegram channel of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics was launched.
The channel UZSTAT (https://t.me/uzstataxborot) is published monthly, quarterly and annual analytical press releases in the form of interesting charts, tables and infographic clips.
Subscribe to the official Telegram channel of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on statistics at the link:https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFR0fevV81l53iinnQ
Goskomstat Information Service
To the attention of the mass media of the Republic!
The State Statistics Committee on December 25, 2019 at 11:00 invites you to participate in a press conference at the Information and Mass Communications Agency under the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the topic: “"Reforms and tasks carried out in the National statistical system to ensure the reliabilityand openness of statistical data”
If you want to learn more about the activities of the Committee and get comprehensive answers on this topic, please contact us. We are always ready to communicate with you.
Address: Tashkent city, Navoi street, 30.
Goskomstat Information Service
To the attention of the mass media of the Republic!
The State Statistics Committee, with the support of the World Bank Group of Experts, on December 11, 2019 at 9:30 invites you to participate in a seminar on the project “National Strategy for the Development of Statistics”, held in the conference room “Grand Ball Room” of the Radisson Blu Tashkent Hotel!
If you want to learn more about the activities of the Committee and get comprehensive answers on this topic, please contact us. We are always ready to communicate with you.
Address: Tashkent city, Amir Temur St., 88.
Goskomstat Information Service
Attention of all employees of mass media of the Republic!
We invite you to take part in the international seminar on the topic " population Census in the CIS countries: round 2020”, which will be held by the State Committee on statistics on November 27 this year in the capital's Miran International Hotel!
If you have detailed information on this topic and questions that you are interested in regarding the activities of the Committee, then you are welcome. We are always ready to discuss these issues with You.
Address: Tashkent, Mirabad district, Shakhrisabz str., 4
Information service