As of January 1, 2022, the length of public roads in the Republic of Uzbekistan is 42,869 kilometers, including 42,299 kilometers of paved roads (98.7% of the total length).
In terms of territories, the largest share of public roads falls on Navoi (4,666.5 kilometers or 10.5% of the total length), Tashkent (4,422.3 kilometers or 9.9%), Fergana (4,160.8 kilometers or 9.4%) of the region and the Republic of Karakalpakstan (4,262.1 kilometers or 9.6%) of the region.
For reference: the length of public roads in Tajikistan is 27.0 thousand km, in the Republic of Belarus - 86.6 thousand km, in Kazakhstan - 95.4 thousand km.