01 March 2024

On March 1 of this year, the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized an open dialogue with the participation of students of Tashkent International Westminster University.


At the event, the head of the Department of Statistics on Living Standards and Population Surveys of the Statistics Agency Umid Madaminov informed students in detail about the stages and processes of forming the results of statistics on the standard of living of the population and selective monitoring of households.



In an open dialogue, the specialists of the Statistics Agency answered in detail the students' questions about the data that are formed as a result of selective household monitoring, about the cooperation of statistical agencies with international organizations, about statistical analysis necessary in scientific work, about openness and transparency.



At the end of the event, the students who took an active part were presented with collections of the activities of the Statistics Agency.


An agreement was reached between the Statistics Agency and the University on further strengthening cooperation and regular holding of such meetings.