The Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan has generated final statistical information on national accounts for 2022 and posted in the “Official Statistics” section of the Agency's website at the following address:
Gross Domestic Product (by production & expenditure approach):
- National accounts, annual;
- National accounts, quarterly;
- The volume of GDP by types economic activities (by sections of NACE-2);
- The growth rate of GDP by types economic activities (by sections of NACE-2);
- Volume of gross domestic product by types of economic activities;
- Structure of gross domestic product by types of economic activities;
- Growth rates of the gross domestic product by economic activity;
- National accounts deflator;
- Gross capital formation;
- Added value to manufacturing industry;
- Volume of gross domestic (regional) product;
- Growth rate of gross domestic (regional) product;
- Volume of gross domestic (regional) product per capita;
- Growth rate of gross domestic (regional) product per capita.