In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 22, 2021 No. PP-5263 “On measures to further improve the conduct of anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts and their drafts”, on July 19-21 this year, the Ministry of Justice, together with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in Central Asia (UNODC) organized a training on the topic: “Anti-corruption expertise of legislative acts and their drafts”.
Responsible employees of 75 ministries and departments took part in the training online.
From the State Committee on Statistics, employees of the Legal Department and the Internal Anti-Corruption Control Service took part in the training.
The event was opened with an opening speech by Deputy Minister of Justice A. Karimov. On the part of UNODC international experts and employees of the Ministry of Justice, responsible representatives of ministries and departments who participated in the online seminar were provided with theoretical skills on the topic.
At the end of the event, the training participants answered test questions prepared by the organizers.